

ISPA, the Belgian Internet Services Providers Association, has the pleasure to invite you to its networking Summer Reception  on 6 July in Brussels where we will have the honour of welcoming Philippe De Backer, State Secretary for Privacy 




Cybercrime can have regrettable impact on the trust consumers and business have in online services. As ISPA aims at continuously promote the economical and societal advantages of the Internet, we are very happy to gather inspiring speakers who will share their thoughts on how to ensure security breaches can be detected, managed and most importantly, prevented.
This evening will offer you a unique opportunity to meet the representatives of the internet sector and top executives from Belgian Internet Service Providers.
This event is kindly hosted by our member Microsoft.


  • 17.30: Opening and registration
  • 18.00: Keynote speeches by

Henri-Jean Pollet, ISPA Chair

Philippe De Backer, Secretary of State responsible for the fight against social fraud, Privacy and the North Sea

Alexandre Pluvinage,  Head of the Cybercrime Awareness Team,  ING Belgium

Jan Neutze, Director of Cybersecurity Policy EMEA, Microsoft

  • 18.30- 20.00: Networking Reception



Practical information
Wednesday 6 July 2016 at 17.30
Where:  Microsoft Innovation Center Brussels, rue Montoyer 51, 1000 Brussels

Participation to this event is free of charge, but registration is required

Please confirm your attendance by 29 June to: info@ispa.be