
ISPA, the Belgian association of Internet service providers (ISP) campaigns in favour of

More widespread use of the Internet and better quality

ISPA takes action aimed at narrowing the digital divide and ensuring that even more users can have access to the Internet. ISPA achieves this by promoting an improved infrastructure, stressing the need for better knowledge and use of the Internet. This is the context in which ISPA supports and promotes innovative technologies and innovative applications linked to the Internet, such as e-health, e-government, smart mobility systems, etc., which offer added economic and social value for our society.

A safe Internet that users trust

More and more private individuals and companies are using the Internet for all types of communication. They need to be sure that their information is processed securely and in private. This is why ISPA works to support initiatives aimed at protecting privacy on the Internet and to adopt a consistent cyber security policy.

The fight against illegal content on the Internet and justified responsibility for ISPs

Ever since it was first established, ISPA has tried hard to work for a safer Internet, in particular by adopting a cooperation protocol with the authorities to fight illegal activities on the Internet. ISPA acknowledges that the ISPs have a role to play in the actions taken against illegal content and activities on the Internet. However, under no circumstances can ISPs be asked to filter or actively monitor the content of websites, emails and social networks. This in fact goes against the opening up of the Internet and the protection of the privacy of users. Moreover, ISPs cannot be expected to take on the role of deciding on the legal or illegal nature of content. Under the rule of law, this task belongs solely to the competent authorities.

Efficient cooperation between the ISPs and the judicial authorities

ISPs work with the police and the judicial authorities at a number of levels in the context of investigations and criminal proceedings. However, the efforts made by the ISPs in this field have a cost. This is why the cooperation needs to take place efficiently and the ISPs must receive a fair remuneration, in order to be able to maintain the quality of the responses that the ISPs give to the judicial authorities.

Competitiveness and consistency in a European context

ISPA draws attention to a consistent approach to the Internet in Belgium, in accordance with European legislation. The Internet does not stop at national or language borders and the various different political authorities therefore have to harmonise their Internet policies as much as possible.

Correct information concerning a complex sector

In the context of discussions on new technologies, such as IPv6, DNSSEC, the Internet of Things, etc. ISPA makes available its technical expertise, which aims to create a representative and accurate image of the Internet sector, its many players and its technical complexity.

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