The total number of active Internet connections in Belgium was 4.165.082 connections during the fourth of 2016. An increase of 4% over the last year.

The number of residential connections grew to a total of 3.755.651 connections in Belgium. This represents an increase of 1.06% over the third quarter.

In the business market the number of Internet connections has increased with 5.291 to 409.312 lines, which represents an increase of 1,31% compared with the previous quarter.

In the fourth quarter of 2016 there is a net growth of 153.956 connections compared to last year.

The total number of active Internet connections in Belgium reached a total of 4.165.082 and represents an increase of 4% compared to Q4 – 2015.

Since 2001, ISPA publishes every quarter a report regarding the evolution of the number of broadband connections in Belgium.

The following companies contributed to this survey: Proximus, Belnet, Brutélé (VOO), Nethys (VOO), Numéricable (SFR), Colt, Cybernet, EDPnet, Evonet, Interoute, Orange, Base, Mac Telecom, Perceval, Proximedia, Scarlet, Telenet, Verizon.