Total number of active connections in Belgium (3.481.767) increased by 0,96% in Q4 2011. 

During the last quarter of 2011, the number of  residential connections grew to 2.833.714, which represents an increase of 1,16% compared to the third quarter. The number of broadband connections increased by 2,30% in Q4, dial-up connections however have been further phased out by most internet providers. There are only about 3000 of these connections left, which means that the proportion of broadband connections is now quasi 100%.

On the business market, there has been an increase of 0,08% compared to the previous quarter, to a total number of 648.053 lines. As in the residential market, the number of dial-up connections has dramatically decreased (-48,3%); there are now only about 1000 of these connections left.

The number of dial-up connections has decreased by 37.738 compared to the last quarter of 2010. This decrease however is overcompensated by the fact that the number of broadband connections has increased by 192.680 over the same period, especially on the residential market (+7% compared to Q4 2010). This means that the net growth over the last year amounts to 154.942 connections.

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